This Esercitazioni module is ancillary to the CAT course, one of the two modules that make up the "Translation Technologies" course.
The lessons will focus on the practical usage of a CAT-Tool (Trados Studio) in a real-world scenario, analyzing its potentialities and limitations by translating texts from various domains. Students will work both on their own and in groups, following the Four Eyes Principle.
A translation assignment will be published each week and the target text will later be discussed in class.
- Docente: Francesco Fernicola
- Docente: Hafsa Alaoui Abdellaoui
- Docente: Silvia Bernardini
- Docente: Dora Catastini
- Docente: Iole Falsone
- Docente: Alice Fedotova
- Docente: Adriano Ferraresi
- Docente: Wojciech Edward Glenc
- Docente: Marianna Guarnieri
- Docente: Paolo Mainardi
- Docente: Giuseppe Malara
- Docente: Francesca Marvulli
- Docente: Lesley Messori
- Docente: Maja Miličević Petrović
- Docente: Elton Pistolia
The "Computer-Assisted Translation and Post-editing" (CatPed) module is delivered in the second semester and is one of the two modules that make up the "Technologies for Translation" course.
It has two components, one dealing with computer assisted translation and the other with post-editing, 20 hours each.
The first part offers a theoretical introduction to the notion of computer-assisted translation. Subsequently some of the most common CAT tools are presented (Trados Studio, MemoQ, MateCat), proprietary and open source. In particular, the module focuses on the translation of the main file formats, the creation and managing of translation memories and the quality assurance of target texts (QA check). The basis for managing complex translation projects involving different professionals (project management) through CAT are also provided.
The second part starts with a presentation of the connections between the use of MT with post-editing and the work of professional translators who normally use computer-assisted translation tools. The focus will then be on the possibilities of integration between CAT and MT systems.
With regard to PE, different ways of intervention (light, full, etc.) are discussed in relation to different variables. Various PE strategies allowing for the improvement of the raw output provided by MT systems are also presented. The aim of these strategies is to obtain a target text which meets the specific requirements of the translation context.
- Docente: Claudia Lecci
The "Computer-Assisted Translation " (CAT) module is delivered in the firs semester and is one of the two modules that make up the "Translation Technologies" course.
This module focuses on the concept of computer-aided translation (CAT). After providing a theoretical introduction, some of the main CAT tools on the market (including Trados Studio, MemoQ, MateCat, OmegaT), both proprietary and free, will be presented. In particular, the module focuses on the translation of different file formats and on the creation, management and maintenance of translation memories.
Students will work on customising the quality assurance of target texts through CAT and they will also use regular expressions to create specific display filters and to set up targeted search operations.
Moreover, students will learn how to manage compatibility and interoperability between different CAT tools and different file formats.
Finally, students will acquire the skills and abilities to manage complex translation projects involving different professionals (Project Management).
- Docente: Claudia Lecci
The "Information Mining and Terminology" (InMiTe) module is one of the two modules that make up the "Technologies for Translation" course, together with "Computer-Assisted Translation and Post-editing" (CatPed); the latter is held by Prof. Claudia Lecci.
The InMiTe module is split, in turn, into two sub-modules, the first one of which ("Information mining") is held by Prof. Adriano Ferraresi, while the second one is held by Prof. Christian Olalla Soler.
The "Information Mining" sub-module, which will be held during the first 5 weeks of the semester, presents the main online and offline tools and methods to retrieve and process information both for specialised translation and revision tasks, and for terminological and terminographic applications. Specifically, the following contents will be convered:
- Advanced techniques for web searching using online search engines;
- Construction of specialised electronic corpora, both adopting manual methods and semi-automatic ones;
- Methods to retrieve terminological information in specialised corpora (concordances, clusters, collocates, frequency lists, keywords);
- Advanced methods for consultation of online reference corpora (Corpus Query Language).
The "Terminology" sub-module, which will be held during the last 5 weeks of the semester, presents the main concepts and methods of terminology and terminography which will allow the students to carry out their terminology project. The following contents will be covered:
- Core concepts of terminology: general vs. specialized language; the concept of term; conceptual relationships; neologisms; the link between culture, metaphors and language; socioterminology;
- Methods to extract terminological units;
- Methods to systematize and visualize relationships among terminological units;
- Methods to plan, structure and feed terminology databases and glossaries with a special focus on OmegaT and MultiTerm.
- Docente: Adriano Ferraresi
- Docente: Christian Olalla Soler
- Docente non editor: Gaia Ballerini
Il corso si tiene nel primo semestre e si concentra sulle più recenti tecnologie per l'interpretazione.
Nella prima parte del corso ci si concentrerà sull'uso di strumenti utili alla consultazione di risorse terminologiche in cabina di interpretazione, nella fattispecie InterpretBank.Nella seconda parte ci si propone di introdurre gli studenti all'uso di alcuni software di riconoscimento vocale per la produzione in tempo reale di sottotitoli.
Docente: Claudia Lecci
- Docente: Claudia Lecci
Il corso, che fa parte del corso integrato METODI, TECNOLOGIE E LINGUISTICA PER L'INTERPRETAZIONE, si svolge nel secondo semestre e si concentra sui vari aspetti legati alla ricerca documentale e terminologica.
Nella prima parte del corso ci si concentrerà sulle varie strategie di documentazione a disposizione dell'interprete, tradizionali ed elettroniche, funzionali nella fase di preparazione dell'interprete di conferenza.
Verranno poi illustrati gli aspetti teorici della terminologia e verranno fornite le basi per l'estrazione terminologica con l'ausilio di strumenti dedicati.
Verranno infine presentati alcuni dei principali strumenti terminografici per la creazione, la gestione e la consultazione di glossari e database terminologici, anche in cabina di interpretazione.
- Docente: Claudia Lecci
Il corso intende permettere ai partecipanti di acquisire familiarità di base con gli strumenti di supporto al processo traduttivo utilizzati in ambito professionale.
Vengono affrontati due nuclei tematici principali: documentazione e traduzione assistita, con particolare riferimento allo strumento CAT Trados Studio.
Docente: Claudia Lecci
- Docente: Claudia Lecci